Sophy & Ella

Sophy and Ella 2.jpg
Sophy 2019 2.jpg

The first photo is of me and my wonderful Grandma; Ella, who I called “Omi”, which is German for grandma.

She is wearing her “Sunday best” because she knew she was having her photograph taken and only agreed to it as my husband was behind the camera! Day to day she was much happier in her gardening or casual clothes. I was so close to Omi, I went to her home every day after school from the age of five to eighteen. There was nothing I couldn’t tell her and she never judged me – just cuddled me.

It is ten years since she died so the Loved&Lost project is the perfect time to remember Omi with a new photograph and a chat. Ten years and I still miss her. When my husband took this second photograph we talked about what a warm person she was and what fantastic cakes she made.

My Grandad always said, “Your grandma’s motto is – if it moves feed it and if it stays still clean it”. I have inherited the cooking and baking gene but not the cleaning gene!